Kid Tested, Mother Approved, and 100% Sucka Free

Labs - eyesofphases' Boom Boom Tap Room

| Sunday, November 13, 2011
Sorry for the lack of posts everybody, I'm currently working on rebuilding and changing some things on the blog with new content and features. One of the new series of post will be called Labs, showing footage and/or pictures of some of my favorite producers work environments. I am proud to show my Lab first, originally called the Pu$$y Palace but changed to the Boom Boom Tap Room by demanding individuals. Check out the pictures and listen to the tracks. Anyone interested in sharing their lab hit me up

Record collecting is a dangerous drug

True comic book nerd

Some of my favorite records

The Greatest Trick by eyesofphases

Original artwork

Bliss by eyesofphases

Every producer must own a Willie Hutch record

Horny Joint by eyesofphases

Punkin the Great

My Gears 3 console and yes those are three controllers, there are 6 controllers total  in the boom boom tap room.

My MPC 2000XL and multitrack recorder 

This was my first sampler, the Yamaha SU200

Hats and Records

More records

Don't let her fool you, she is a demon

Ameera actually calm for a change
 Ameeras Theme by eyesofphases 


Anonymous said...

Very nice


Angie said...

Damn I miss NC right now. :(

Little Miss Knobody said...

Hot! I love the records!

IV the Polymath said...

Dope!! Props - this is a great idea. Loving the setup!

Anonymous said...

Love the setup!

Tiffluvi said...

I like the name pussy palace the best.