Kid Tested, Mother Approved, and 100% Sucka Free

Narrative of The Life of Frederick Douglass An American Slave Written by Himself

| Monday, January 24, 2011

I'm not going to do a full review on this book but I will state this book is a must read for anyone in school, planning to go to school, or seeking knowledge of self. This is a novel for any race or gender, and puts into prospective of what education can help achieve. Douglass basically breaks describes freedom and knowledge parallel with one another. Granted in life we all choose different paths, some of us go to college, the service, the work force or whatever; never let your decisions stop you from educating yourself.


Angie said...

You are right everyone needs to read this, especially women that need motivation to chase dreams

Anonymous said...

Looks like a very interesting read. Like the old saying goes, how do you know where you're going if you don't know where you've been. Props on the post!

KidNice said...

Looks interesting.

Little Miss Knobody said...

"never let your decisions stop you from educating yourself" - so true. I need to read this book!