Kid Tested, Mother Approved, and 100% Sucka Free

Beats by Afta 1

| Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Anonymous said...

Afta-1 is one dope producer. I followed his career since the beginning, and I'm glad to see he's still doing it. The life of a artist ain't easy, that's probably why I never cared to be an artist. He's still showing and proving, and that speaks volumes.

Angie said...

I have never heard of Afta 1, but I'll check for him now

KidNice said...

Very underrated producer! He should be there with the flylo's, dr who dat,...

Little Miss Knobody said...

I love Afta-1 and the whole "Love is Real" movement. I agree w/ KidNice...He's definitely underrated as a producer, but I genuinely love everything the man puts out.