Kid Tested, Mother Approved, and 100% Sucka Free

What's in a Name...

| Saturday, May 22, 2010
So I was driving the other day and I began thinking about names...don't ask me why I guess it's just the teacher in me but I mentioned to Eyes that most successful people don't have those "ghetto" names that some of us like to call them.  I couldn't really find another word to use instead of ghetto so sorry if your offended but it's true.  I understand getting creative with your child's name because you want them to be unique but you should ALWAYS think for the long run, the future.  I always said when and if I have kids I would name them something normal or foreign.  What is normal...well my government is Maria and others like Brad, Grace etc.  You get the picture so while driving I asked Eyes how many successful people/famous people do you know named Shaniqua he thought for a moment and said none.  My point is when you fill out an application for a job and the employer sees your name they automatically have first impressions.  As a teacher I saw a few names on my class roster this past year that made me shake my head and I drew those same assumptions.  Not gonna lie about it but it happens everyday...Another thing I noticed is some people have names that somehow will them to their futures read the following article 

So what do you guys think about this?


Eyesofphases said...

Great post, nothing like food for thought.

Supa & Angie said...

Thats a great way to look at things. You have a very valid point. On paper your name is the first impression

Supastarrr said...

I agree w| you. I'd def name my child something "normal" as well to save them from the bullshit. Great post.

K' said...

I can agree to this being foreign. Very insightful post.

Costa said...

Yeah fuck racist people judging off names