The Stuyvesants - Brooklyn's Finest
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8:42 PM

The Stuyvesants

The Stuyvesants
Alan Wake Final Thoughts

Blessings to everyone, being Costa provided the first thoughts of Alan Wake, I will provide the final thoughts. I really don't even know where to start, the game was a great experience and I had a blast playing it. This review will not be filled with spoilers so have no worries reading if you intend on playing the game. The final thoughts will basically go over the value of the game because that's the bottom line. To some people they feel the need to have to play video games online and they can not enjoy a single player game. I am not that type of person. Alan Wake brought something fresh to the table that has not been done in a video games before and that is a definite plus for me. The environments created in the game play is remarkable, the mood is set in every episode/chapter in Alan Wake's journey to seek for the truth. Based on Costa's review she is correct the campaign is 12-15 hours long and it should really be played through twice to gather all information. Is Alan Wake really worth the 59.99 price tag in my opinion yes it is because its fresh and entertaining. BUT if you can borrow it from a friend or rent it by all means do so, if you do not have any intentions on playing through the game twice or purchasing the downloadable content being released in July and later this year. For the experience the game is worth it but for playing through it really quick you may want to think twice. At the same time the average first person shooter multiplayer campaign last for about 6-10 hours, but there is limitless hours of multiplayer fun. So I purchased Alan Wake and Red Dead Redemption at the same time so that's why I really have no complaints about Alan Wake not have online gameplay. Being Alan Wake plays like a movie I really hate movies that leave me with more questions than answers and Alan Wake really leaves you with a million and one questions. The ending is pure open interpretation, with that being said play it today.
This is some footage of Wake battling a demon poltergeist bulldozer
Hypedog Presents: "The New School 2010 Beat Tape"
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1:01 PM

Posted Via Hip Hop Hype Dog
RIP Paul Gray aka #2
Posted by
8:35 PM
I gotta say RIP to my second favorite bass player next to Rick James. Paul Gray aka #2 was the bass playing for one of my favorite band Slipknot

Red Dead Redemption - First Thoughts
Posted by
11:14 AM

After Costa did her review of Alan Wake last week, I felt inclined to share my thoughts on Red Dead Redemption being Alan Wake has no online game play. To sum up RDR real quick, its created by the same company that developed Grand Theft Auto and basically an open world Western with the main character seeking revenge on his brother. If you guys are familiar with the Grand Theft open world, RDR is the same way but with tighter controls. To sum up the controls to all of my die hard gamers its a third person Modern Warfare 2 mixed with Grand Theft Auto. A explanation of the MW2 comparison, is best explained by the auto aim feature when snapping on to opponents to shoot. The campaign mode of RDR is really good so far, some of the missions can be tedious, because some players may not want to herd cattle and tame horses but thats what happened in those days. RDR online gameplay is packed with several game modes ranging from Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, free roam, raiding game hideouts, gold rush and much more. RDR is a game for friends, the more friends you have playing online with you creates a remarkable gaming experience. You can create posses to ride out on computer generated enemies or terrorize the other people playing online. Go ahead and saddle up today, if you need some people to play with holler at us GAMERTAGS: eyesofphases, ddg nj, FS87 Shinigami, CDG1081
Pete Rock on the SP 1200
Posted by
11:10 AM
I couldn't post a Premo video without a Pete Rock Joint.
One da Platter - D&D Allstars
Posted by
11:00 AM
I gotta big up Queen Vy for reminding me of this joint. Before DJ Khaled was screaming we the best every 10 seconds we had DJ Clue echos, DJ Dirty Harry blends and most important DJ Premier censoring records. Premo made it cool to have censored records, I'm done typing, take a listen and enjoy.

What's in a Name...
So I was driving the other day and I began thinking about names...don't ask me why I guess it's just the teacher in me but I mentioned to Eyes that most successful people don't have those "ghetto" names that some of us like to call them. I couldn't really find another word to use instead of ghetto so sorry if your offended but it's true. I understand getting creative with your child's name because you want them to be unique but you should ALWAYS think for the long run, the future. I always said when and if I have kids I would name them something normal or foreign. What is normal...well my government is Maria and others like Brad, Grace etc. You get the picture so while driving I asked Eyes how many successful people/famous people do you know named Shaniqua he thought for a moment and said none. My point is when you fill out an application for a job and the employer sees your name they automatically have first impressions. As a teacher I saw a few names on my class roster this past year that made me shake my head and I drew those same assumptions. Not gonna lie about it but it happens everyday...Another thing I noticed is some people have names that somehow will them to their futures read the following article:
So what do you guys think about this?
So what do you guys think about this?
A Great Way to Start the Weekend
Posted by
12:08 AM
I know its not the typical hip hop selection but good music is good music. Props to Miss Knobody putting me on to Maylee Todd
Alan Wake First Thoughts

A lot of buzz has been surrounding the release of Alan Wake for the Xbox 360 and some people question is the hype deserving. Here is some background for those who are not familiar with the plot. Basically Alan Wake and his wife go to Bright Walls to retreat away the busy city life, while he is there his life is kidnapped and of course he must rescue her. I will not go into the plot but so deep to avoid spoilers. The environments in Alan Wake are incredible and the game has a eerie feeling to it making game play very spooky. The plot is addictive and very suspenseful. The game play is very fresh and original, Alan Wake must use light to strip his opponents of "darkness" before he can began to attack, or otherwise Wake's attacks has no effects on his enemies. Some of the reviews I read for Alan Wake had complaints about the controls there is nothing really wrong with the controls. As of right now I am about 5 hours into the total game and their have been reports stating the Alan Wake is 12 - 15 hours long, to some Alan Wake is not worth the price tag because it has NO online game play. On the other hand there will be expansions to the game this summer to make it longer. Below I have posted some videos of the game play, the final thoughts of Alan Wake will be posted upon completion of the game.
Eyesofphases - For the Soul
Posted by
11:39 AM
Blessings to everyone, I have received a few emails over the past couple of weeks about my first album and ways to get it. The World of Dreams album is out of print and will not be reissued, but I will be glad to post some of the tracks from the album throughout the summer.

Eyesofphases - For the Soul

Eyesofphases - For the Soul
80s Babies - Sonic Music
The 80s Babies are made up of the vocals from Dee "The Shogun" Jackson, and beats from the renowned Tall Black Guy. They give for a Pete Rock and CL Smooth sort of vibe but with a sound that is all their own. Check out this collaboration between Rookie Films, Lyon Tamer Productions on this the first of many music videos from the recent album from the 80s Babies.


80s Babies - I Wanna Talk To You (Official Music Video) from Rookie Films on Vimeo.
Jamie Lidell Introduces Compass
Posted by
11:03 AM
Shout out to the homie broSouL for putting me on to Jamie Lidell
In the Deck - Do Make Say Think (Other Truths)
Posted by
2:09 AM
This is one of my favorite groups, I can put on any of their albums and just ride. Just nice chill music, I've always said if I wasnt using the mpc to make music, this would be my next canvas to create images.

Click here to visit the DMST Homepage

Click here to visit the DMST Homepage
Medal of Honor 2010 - Official Game Trailer
Sorry I've been missing for a while, with this crazy weather I was destined to catch a cold. As everyone knows me and EOP are huge game heads and this will be on our list of future purchases. Check out the ending with the guy sitting in the chair.
A Great Way to Start the Weekend - Uncle Ruckus Edition
Boondocks Season 3 Promo: Uncle Ruckus Interview with Shade 45 Pt. 1
Boondocks Season 3 Promo: Uncle Ruckus Interview with Shade 45 Pt. 2
Boondocks Season 3 Promo: Uncle Ruckus Interview with Shade 45 Pt. 2
Happy Birthday Eyesofphases (EOP)
I wanted to take the time to send a special birthday wish to one of my favorite people on this good earth. I know he is a asshole, he is conceited, disrespectful, selfish and spoiled, even though all of this he is still our asshole. To EOP from me, Infinity and K' we love you asshole. Oh yeah Happy Cinco De Mayo to everyone else. I know what your hateful ass is thinking its not even May 5th yet so what just watch the videos and be happy. Mwah
Hump Day Comedy- Boondocks Season 3 Episode 1
Posted by
1:03 PM
Big up my Obama Kid Nice over at UGC he posted this video earlier this week. I had to repost it for the 10 people who have not seen the new episode of Boondocks yet.
SoulKlap feat. Keilyn & Lew - Pipe Dreams
SoulEssential Recordings & The Higher Plane present Klapisms Vol. 1: A Parallax dropping June 2010


Get School on Halo Reach with Aisha Tyler (The Killer Kung Fu Wolf Bitch)
Posted by
11:37 AM
That NY Sound (FLWRPT)
Posted by
11:24 AM
I listened to this joint over the weekend and this is the definition of NY hip hop. The sound of this playlist was a staple in my inspiration to do music. I don't know what happened to NY hip hop, either way from north, south, east or west; take note this is a fine example of hip hop. Big up to Darien at FLWRPT providing the real.

Tracks / M.O.P. – Ante Up / Gang Starr – Full Clip / Big L – Platinum Plus / AZ – The Come Up / Big Noyd – Air It Out / Mobb Deep – The Realest / A Tribe Called Quest – Lyrics To Go (Remix) / Busta Rhymes – Survival Hungry / Camp Lo – Krystal Karrington / The UN – Cake / 45 King – Bongo / Onyx – Shut Em’ Down / LL Cool J – I Shot Ya / Nas – Nas Is Like / Jay-Z – Friend Or Foe ‘98 / Kool G. Rap – First Nigga / Wu-Tang Clan – The Projects / Sauce Money – Pregame / The Murderers – Murderers / Mad Lion – Take It Easy / 45 King – Matilda / Notorious B.I.G. – Kick In The Door / Capone-N-Noreaga – Invincible / Jeru Tha Damaja – Ya Playin’ Yaself / Black Moon – Who Got Da Props / Grand Puba – Amazing / 45 King – Barry
Posted Via FLWRPT

Tracks / M.O.P. – Ante Up / Gang Starr – Full Clip / Big L – Platinum Plus / AZ – The Come Up / Big Noyd – Air It Out / Mobb Deep – The Realest / A Tribe Called Quest – Lyrics To Go (Remix) / Busta Rhymes – Survival Hungry / Camp Lo – Krystal Karrington / The UN – Cake / 45 King – Bongo / Onyx – Shut Em’ Down / LL Cool J – I Shot Ya / Nas – Nas Is Like / Jay-Z – Friend Or Foe ‘98 / Kool G. Rap – First Nigga / Wu-Tang Clan – The Projects / Sauce Money – Pregame / The Murderers – Murderers / Mad Lion – Take It Easy / 45 King – Matilda / Notorious B.I.G. – Kick In The Door / Capone-N-Noreaga – Invincible / Jeru Tha Damaja – Ya Playin’ Yaself / Black Moon – Who Got Da Props / Grand Puba – Amazing / 45 King – Barry
Posted Via FLWRPT
Big up to Azi (XBOX GAMERTAG: XKING AZIX ) he put me on to some info to get the UFC UNDISPUTED 2010 DEMO in advance. For those who may not know go to Undisputed Community and register for the site and you will receive the demo code. DISCLAIMER KIMBO SLICE IS NOT A SELECTABLE CHARACTER FOR THE DEMO BUT HE WILL BE ON THE FULL GAME.

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