1) First of I most say that I really enjoy your blog and what motivated you to start blogging?
Thank you! You, EOP, and Infinity run a great blog as well. I love to write but I've never been the type to keep a diary. I figured a blog would be more fun to write about everything that interests me and others.
2) I love your blog slogan "its almost porn," whats the meaning behind the slogan?
I was joking w| Jonathon [of http://www.itsjonathon.blogspot.com/] on Twitter about a catchy slogan when I came up w| that. To me, SupastarrrSays.com has something for everybody, sometimes taboo, and addicting =)
3) What are you doing if you are not blogging?
I have two jobs and I go to school part-time. Aside from that, I love to spend time w| my family and friends.
4) On one of your recent post you presented the question "Wonder why they call you a bitch" and why is it they get called a bitch?
Because they're all the same; carbon copies of the next. The same goes for the "Niggas Are The New Bitches?" posts. Those groups of people are not thinkers and innovators, merely clones of drones living for First Friday so they can stunt w| their whole $287.69 check. I just want them to wake up.
5) On Supastarrr Says you address politics, what are your thoughts on the economy and the job that Obama is doing?
He's trying hard but as urgent as the situation is, I think he needs to focus on one project at a time [whether it be the economy, healthcare, education, etc].
Those same girls wondering why they get called bitch are the same girls dressed like hoes but they can not grasp the concept of way they are treated a certain way. Supastarrr hit the Obama situation right on the head.
Thanks for the love, fam!
Props Costa on bringing strong sistas together. Great post
Yes I cosign with K' you hit the Obama situation on the money. He needs to worry about quality and not quantity right now.
Gotta love Supastarr. She's mad funny and buck wild.
Loved the post, props Supastarrr! Love the blog.
Great blog Supastarrr!
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