Kid Tested, Mother Approved, and 100% Sucka Free

Nintendo DSi XL

| Sunday, April 4, 2010
Hello Fam,

It's Infinity back with some breaking news! As you all may know the Nintendo DSi XL was released on Sunday, March 28th. I was one of the lucky Black Americans that was able to pre-order and pick it up 1st on its release date!

Special Thanks to EOP for talking me into doing something nice for myself I haven't regretted the $ spent yet!!!!

I'm sure many of you feel that you could care less about a handheld Nintendo because it isn't mature enough for you but I beg to differ. This game system is more for adult's than it is for kids because not only does it have 2 digital cameras but it also has a web browser that uses wifi, a media player, a SD card slot, you can download games to it and not to mention the best thing of all the screen size is 93% larger than the Nintendo DSi & the DS Lite. That was a mouthful and I'm sure you guys are wondering what the price is well... GameStop is currently running a special 189.99 w/o trade in 129.99 w/ ds lite trade in & 99.99 w/dsi trade in. The only drawback is the loss of the game boy advance slot but being that you can download fav's like Dr. Mario & Bejeweled Twist who needs Super Mario Bros. 3? ;) Oh yeah it only comes in 2 colors for now Burgundy & Bronze (which actually looks Brown)

Here's a link to the cnet review for you techies out there who just need more specs:

Nintendo DSi XL, Cnet


EOP said...

Good review. The bronze looks like do do baby. Its too bad, that it can not play movies.

Taka said...

I have the bronze joint and it looks pretty black to me. Now if I can only get some better games for it.

Anonymous said...

Legal Dope.

Supa said...

I reserved a XL for my wife but being I live in the "middle" now and not in the Cak they did not order enough and I am still waiting for gamestop to get more. Great review.

Costa said...

Now I want a XL so I can be like my role model.

K' said...

FUCK Gamestop, they are raping people. Nice review though but Fuck gamestop