Kid Tested, Mother Approved, and 100% Sucka Free

Eyesofphases (EOP) - Bliss

| Monday, April 5, 2010
EOP is a real inspiration to me and for the next coming months with his approval of course I will be posting older tracks and leaking new and unreleased music. Some of you may not be familiar with this track its from the Scent of an Angel album and its a incredible track. Oh yeah I will be making more post the pollen demon is now out so I stay inside not to get in its way. To everyone have a great week. Peace.

EOP - Bliss


Supa said...

One word: Classic

K' said...

^^^^^^^Agreed ^^^^^^^^^

Anonymous said...

Ahh yeah, time to pull out my Scent Of An Angel CD again!!! I'm special, props!!!

Angie said...

I think this is my favorite EOP track. :o)

Tiffluv said...

You never cease to amaze me.

KidNice said...

Some of that good stuff!!!

Taka said...

Real hip hop

Gourmet Honey said...

Classic hip hop. Very few people can flip jazz samples like that.

Little Miss Knobody said...

Great track EOP!

Costa said...

Yeah you and a yet to be named producer should teach these wack ass fools how to make beats. Fucking lames