Kid Tested, Mother Approved, and 100% Sucka Free

A Great Way to Start the Weekend (Costa Edition)

| Thursday, December 17, 2009
I want to do something a little different for the Friday videos, I have had some people asking me about music production and the process. I mess with the mpc just a little bit but not on the level that EOP does. I wanted to post the original sample and what he turned it into. Feel free to give feedback its much appreciated. Be on the look out with a lot of new music from EOP dropping next year. Props to Flwrpt they do something similar on there site called flipped but from the words of Jacpot the 1081 version is called I got samples. My apologizes because this joint has been posted before but listen to the original and take another listen. Have a great weekend. Peace


Taka said...

This joint was smooth as hell the first time I heard. Now I have a brand new respect for it.

K' said...

I had to make my comment when I heard about the post. I would have never known the sample was Rick James. Incredible work.

Gourmet Honey said...

Woooooooooow. Good shit, Im Rick James BITCH.

Costa said...

This has to be my favorite joint. I have to say it before someone else does. Im sorry Charlie Murphy. LOL

Angie said...

I get off work and come home to a wonderful post. Cheers Costa because we call know Blocka Blocka would not have posted this himself. Yes I said Blocka Blocka and I know you will not respond to my threats but I love me some EOP. Mwah babe, and Supa will not be loving anyone titties for a while.

Supa said...

I remember when you made this joint and its still like Im hearing it for the first time.

Anonymous said...

Hip hop at its finest.

Tiffluv said...

Im saying son, Im salty because I want the joint as a ring tone and I still dont have it yet.

Anonymous said...


Eyesofphases said...

Thanks to everyone who peeped the joint. Much more to come.

~InFiNiTy~ said...

ol' Bob Ross creative a*& boy! gonna start calling u a show stopper!