Kid Tested, Mother Approved, and 100% Sucka Free

Pimpin Don Miracle Contest Results

| Friday, October 2, 2009
We have winners for the contest, some of the answers are below, I decided to have two winners. There was a winner for filling in the blanks and the most creative quotes, big up to Deniseface for winning the fill in the blanks and Pharoah ManC' for the custom phrases.

I don't pimp because I have to, I pimp because Im ______ at it

I don't pimp because I have to, I pimp because Im GOOD at it

I don't pimp because I have to, I pimp because I’m MARVELOUS at it…

Dis ain't play pimping, this is pimpin ____________

Dis ain't play pimping, this is pimpin FORREAL

Dis ain't play pimping, this is pimpin play action…TOUCHDOWN bitches!

I will ____ yo azz

I will ZAP yo azz

I will MOLLY-whop’ yo azz

I will give you the ____________ of your life

I will give you the WHISPERING of your life

I will give you the REPRIMANDING of your LIFE *chuh’ch*


K' said...

This is like Florida I wanna recount, I was robbed. LOL play action pimping.

Tiffluv said...

LOL a recount. Congrats to the winners.

Costa said...

The contest was rigged and no I will not post my name, and Im just joking by the way. This is not Costa posting this comment, yes its me why lie I was robbed.