Kid Tested, Mother Approved, and 100% Sucka Free

Phase Me

| Saturday, November 8, 2008
This entire is a poem by a talented sister from Lynchburg Va, check it out, she has talent.

Phase Me

Why should I let you phase me?
I will not.
I won’t.

I along with the majority can see that this is only another attempt,
To alter my feelings of self worth and stability
By cutting and slashing my self-esteem with grueling fierce remarks and malicious statements.

Why should I let you phase me?
I will not.
I won’t.

I can truly see and understand through my maturity that I not only like myself but have a firm seat in reality and can understand my identity and self-proclamation of true happiness.

I realize that the purpose I have in life is to please the maker of the universe.
That is why I was put on Earth.
If I can’t please Him then I have nothing left to
Exercise my mind
And die for.

So why should I let you phase me?
I will not.
I won’t.

Because I am here to phase you.

Tialia B.


Anonymous said...

Good stuff if i wasnt married she could phase me


Babygirlasu said...

Keep doing what you do boo!

Anonymous said...

this is good
